How do I install Xen Server tools on Linux?
How do I install Xen Server tools on Linux?

Hey Reader, In this post, we will describe how to install Xen Server tools on Linux operating systems like Ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat. Xen server tools help you fetch additional information for monitoring, Operating System type, get private IP address in a networking tab,  root-cause analysis, and many more. 

Read Also:- How to install and setup Nord VPN on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

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Clients should install XenServer Tools on individual VM to be able to perform the following actions:

Cleanly shut down, reboot, or suspend a VM

* Customize the number of vCPUs on a running Linux VM (Windows VMs require a reboot for this to take effect)

View VM performance data in XenCenter

Create quiesced snapshots or snapshots with memory (checkpoints), or revert to snapshots

* Migrate a running VM (using XenMotion or Storage XenMotion)

Following instructions to install Xen Server tools on Linux/Ubuntu

Step 1.

Insert the XenTools ISO in the DVD drive of the Linux VM.

a).  Click on Install Management Agent.

How do I install Xen Server tools on Linux -vetechno

b). Click on Install XenServer Tools.
How do I install Xen Server tools on Linux - vetechno
Step 2. 

Now in the DVD drive 1. guest-tools.iso is loaded as shown in the below image.

Mount the DVD drive to /mnt using : “mount /dev/xvdd /mnt

Note:-  xvdd is my mount drive. 

It says , mount : block device /dev/xvdd is write-protected, mounting read-only 

Note :- In some Linux distro the location of the tools could be /dev/cdrom

So, if in your case  /dev/xvdd is not working then try as shown in below image:- 
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
How do I install Xen Server tools on Linux - vetechno

Step 3.

Now change the directory to /mnt using “cd /mnt/Linux/” and then list the contents using “ls -lathr

How do I install Xen Server tools on Linux - vetechno
Step 4.

./ to install the XenTools on Ubuntu.
               Continue? [y/n] y

How do I install Xen Server tools on Linux?
Step 5.

Reboot the VM  machine to change the reflect. 

Now you will be able to get additional information for monitoring, Operating System type, IP address in the networking tab etc.
How do I install Xen Server tools on Linux?


Congratulations you have successfully installed Citrix Xen Server tools on Linux Distro. Please let me know in the comment box if you are facing any issues while installing. 

Happy Learning and do install new software in Linux, have great fun.

Read Also:- How to install and setup Nord VPN on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Read Also:- How to Install uTorrent on Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Read Also:- How to Hide Apache, Nginx, or PHP version on Ubuntu

By Vikash Ekka

Hi All, My name is Vikash Ekka from India. I’m the founder and tech editor of I have completed my Graduation in BCA. I love to write technical articles like Windows, Linux & MAC Tutorials, Tips, Tricks, How To fix, Tutorials About Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security Guide, and Software Review. Currently, I have been working as an IT professional since 2018.

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